D.A.F.T. Related events & participants: THE (deviant) ART FESTIVAL in Trollhättan

Fred Lindberg started THE (deviant) ART FESTIVAL as a society and network of contemporary artists in London 2005. The thought behind these art events was to put people and ideas together rather than single pieces of art. To create a foundation for collaborations. In 1937 Hitler exhibited “Entartete Kunst”, 1962 came Fluxus events like “The Festival of Misfits” and today our Art is striving to exist in-between being singled out as a degenerate, or choosing to be a misfit.

My Photo
Location: London, Hackney

Thursday, July 24, 2008

plusminus, new blog containing three (deviant) Artists.

Angus Braithwaite, Cai Nyahoe and Matthew Giraudeau presents Statement of Intent for the Plusminus Group. (Image: Angus piece "Birds Of Paradise") Visit: http://plusminusarts.blogspot.com/

Monday, July 21, 2008

The end of (deviant) Art: Oliver Evelyn-Rahr for Cancer Research UK

The last but not least action to be taken at the 2008 edition of The (deviant) Art Festival was Oliver Evelyn-Rahr´s "Sweden to London cycle ride for Cancer Research UK"

Follow his progress and jorney back to UK at: swedenlondon.blogspot.com
Support his quest and donate money directly to Cancer Research at: www.justgiving.com/oliverdude

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Art Project by (deviant) participant Elizabeth McTernan

CIVIL DUSK - LET'S TRY AGAIN TOMORROW LOOK WEST, BE THERE Saturday, July 19th, 2008 Let's all watch the sunset together as the sun sets on America. I will be observing and documenting the time between sunset and civil dusk in Cape Alava, Washington, USA, on the evening of July 19th, 2008. That's where I will be at that time, on my way to Japan. Please join me from wherever you are for that 40 minutes - whether it's light out or pitch black - and take a photo of your western horizon at the moment of our Civil Dusk (see below for your time). All you have to do is look west, be there. "Civil dusk" is the official name for the moment when the sun sinks lower than 6 degrees below the horizon, finally leaving the land in true darkness. This term is not only one of scientific functionality, but also one that is poetically and politically loaded, ambiguously optimistic or fatalistic. I chose Cape Alava because it's the westernmost point in the contiguous U.S., and I quite like the idea of acknowledging the country's very last experience of sunlight for the day. Look west, be there. Let's watch the sunset together as the sun sets on America. Let's try again tomorrow. Political cynicism holds hands with a romantic gesture of hope. Both apocalyptic and like a first date. Please note your respective times: Cape Alava, WA (westernmost point in the contiguous US): - sunset 09:12pm civil dusk 09:51pm US Western Summer Time: - our sunset 09:12pm our civil dusk 09:51pm US Mountain Summer Time: - our sunset 10:12pm our civil dusk 10:51pm US Central Summer Time: - our sunset 11:12pm our civil dusk 11:51pm US Eastern Summer Time: - our sunset 12:12pm our civil dusk 12:51pm British Summer Time: - our sunset 5:12am our civil dusk 5:51am Central European Summer Time: - our sunset 6:12am our civil dusk 6:51am Japan Standard Time: - our sunset 1:12pm our civil dusk 1:51pm +1 day South Korea Standard Time: - our sunset 1:12pm our civil dusk 1:51pm +1 day The time just after sunset is a transitional one that redefines our perceptions, be them legal (burglary is considered night burglary 30 minutes after sunset, upon which time the penalty is increased) or physical (there is an official time each day after sunset when objects are definitively indiscernible to the naked eye). Focusing on civil dusk addresses the question of "objectiveness" in representation - in terms of the limitations of the eye, the limitations of journalistic images, the limitations of our own faith in these instruments of "truth." Also, I think there is something to be said for observing civil dusk on an arbitrary day. While every new day brings a brand new civil twilight, we are free to begin again, and fail again. IT WOULD MAKE ME SO HAPPY IF YOU WOULD JOIN ME - DON'T BE LATE, AND DON'T FORGET TO EMAIL ME YOUR PHOTO AFTERWARDS! -- Elizabeth McTernan Somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, en route to Japan 443.570.4636

Dear (deviant) Moments: 19th July Performance by Maria-Lena Hedberg & Steffan Atherton

Friday, July 18, 2008

New (deviant) Participants 2008: Noomi Österling

During the last two years, Noomi Österling has been working with sensor controlled Installations, the human voice and computer processed everyday sounds. She is interested in questions related to how we construct and imagine our reality, communication and change.

Monday, July 14, 2008

(deviant) 2008 NEWS: Showing this week at MOCAP: SHIT TV goes NYC

From Today onwards we will be showing SHIT TV with Charlotte Young & Fred Lindberg. This new 30minute special episode "SHIT TV goes NYC" was made specially for a show at the New Gallery Catalog, New York. It has since then been shown on different Galleries and occasions in London , New york & Sweden. Within the SHIT TV concept, Charlotte and Fred are working as art performers, TV hosts, journalists and film makers.
You can catch their latest episode featuring recent movie star Russel Brand here:

(deviant) 2008 NEWS: Minou Norouzi films showing this week in KONSTHALLEN.

MINOU NOROUZI FILMS IN KONSTHALLEN The (deviant) Art Festival is pleased to present the following films by Minou Norouzi: U NEVER ASKED TO BE MY MOUNTAIN IMAGO SITTING IS BELIEVING LIMB FROM LIMB

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Channel 4 News report on The (deviant) Art Festival 2008.

Monday, July 07, 2008

(deviant) 2008 NEWS: Beth Collar Films at MOCAP

This week we are showing two films by Beth Collar at MOCAP, Museum Of Contemporary Art Periferi. MOCAP is located at Kungsgatan 33 in the center of Trollhättan. The two films "The Great Irish Elk" & "24th of July 2007" were both filmed by Beth in Trollhättan at previous (deviant) Art Festivals. The film "24th of July 2007" was also shortlisted and finally selected for "New Contemporaries 2008"!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

THE (deviant) ART FESTIVAL 2008


Initiativtagare och arrangörer till denna uppmärksammade konsthändelse är som vanligt Fred(rik) Lindberg och Joanna Ageborn, två erfarna konstnärer skolade huvudsakligen i London, Amsterdam och Göteborg. Det som tidigare var något så ovanligt som en konstfestival i Trollhättan med uteslutande brittisk konst, har nu utvecklats till ett internationellt nätverk med unga konstnärer från hela världen. Utställningens tyngdpunkt detta tredje år ligger dock istället på Nordisk samtidskonst.

Som konsthappening är The (deviant) Art Festival unik i sitt slag och lämnar sällan publiken oberörd, uppmärksamheten sträcker sig ofta utanför den vanliga konstkretsen. Festivalen och dess deltagare har redan säkrat en plats i konstlivet med diverse utmärkelser och engagemang i utställningar så som Independents Biennal i Liverpool och YoungContemporaries i London samt även events i Göteborg och Örebro.
The (deviant) Art Festival levererar ett rikt program av film, musik och poesi i samarbete med Konsthallen i Trollhättan. Förutom de tre huvudarenorna Konsthallen, Galleri Pumphuset och MOCAP utlovas även udda upplevelser i det offentliga rummet för den som har sinnena på skaft.
Initiativtagarna har även i år byggt vidare på sina idéer kring atmosfär och mänsklig interaktion för att skapa något större än varje enskilt konstverk och detta verkar vara kärnan till det som så ofta gör The (deviant) Art Festival till en udda och spännande konstupplevelse där konstnärer med olika bakgrund möts i en blandning av fasta utställningar och lekfulla konstaktioner. Festivalen kommer som tidigare att ha en stark betoning på installationer, performance och platsspecifika verk.
Välkommen och upplev, deltag och reagera!
Kungsgatan 25 (i Folkets Hus/Kulturhuset)
Tel. 0520 - 49 64 53, 49 64 54
Öppet: Tis-Lör 12-16
PUMPHUSET Öppet: Tis-Lör 12-16
Pumphuset ligger mellan Folkets Park och Hjulkvarns Camping

Bilder och information om deltagare och tidigare festivaler:
Mail: deviantartfestival@gmail.com
Tel. 0520 - 49 64 53

(Brådskande ärenden ring: 0704 32 33 40)

Upcoming Artists, (deviant) 2008: Angus Braithwaite

“Art Knowledge Performance Conducting Head Piece”