D.A.F.T. Related events & participants: THE (deviant) ART FESTIVAL in Trollhättan

Fred Lindberg started THE (deviant) ART FESTIVAL as a society and network of contemporary artists in London 2005. The thought behind these art events was to put people and ideas together rather than single pieces of art. To create a foundation for collaborations. In 1937 Hitler exhibited “Entartete Kunst”, 1962 came Fluxus events like “The Festival of Misfits” and today our Art is striving to exist in-between being singled out as a degenerate, or choosing to be a misfit.

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Location: London, Hackney

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

(deviant) participant: Sayshun Jay

"c.o.r.r.u.p.t." ver II THEY won't know what hit them! "I will create a site specific sculptural installation, it is a responce to the deviant(ART) show and a point that I've arrived at by working neurotically with coffee. I remember clearly whilst thrashing out what the show would actually be like and as it dawned on Fred Lindberg what exactly this would mean to show in Trollhättan he exclaimed “… won’t know what hit them!”. This was the moment I realized that deviant(ART) would be a fantastic show I also found this extremely ironic as almost a year earlier when the original idea of putting on a show in Sweden was discussed I was knocked out and can’t remember the last three seconds before that fist hit my face." "c.o.r.r.u.p.t." references a mnemonic that can be used to remember the criteria for antisocial personality disorder.