D.A.F.T. Related events & participants: THE (deviant) ART FESTIVAL in Trollhättan

Fred Lindberg started THE (deviant) ART FESTIVAL as a society and network of contemporary artists in London 2005. The thought behind these art events was to put people and ideas together rather than single pieces of art. To create a foundation for collaborations. In 1937 Hitler exhibited “Entartete Kunst”, 1962 came Fluxus events like “The Festival of Misfits” and today our Art is striving to exist in-between being singled out as a degenerate, or choosing to be a misfit.

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Location: London, Hackney

Sunday, July 09, 2006

(deviant) participant: Charlotte Young

Apart from her work with Shit TV , Charlotte will also perform with Rust Buckets. It is a self-confessing `karaoke` band that also contains Jon Klein and Nelson the TV. They will perform both old and new material at the "Pumphouse Gallery". Charlotte will also protest at various places in Trollhättan and her main objective is to clarify that "HER ART IS BETTER THAN YOUR ART".