D.A.F.T. Related events & participants: THE (deviant) ART FESTIVAL in Trollhättan

Fred Lindberg started THE (deviant) ART FESTIVAL as a society and network of contemporary artists in London 2005. The thought behind these art events was to put people and ideas together rather than single pieces of art. To create a foundation for collaborations. In 1937 Hitler exhibited “Entartete Kunst”, 1962 came Fluxus events like “The Festival of Misfits” and today our Art is striving to exist in-between being singled out as a degenerate, or choosing to be a misfit.

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Location: London, Hackney

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Giles Hinchcliff goes into the shed...

At 22.00 yesterday, Monday 16th, Giles went into his makeshift shed for a planned 72 hours. After a surprisingly good nights sleep he seemed confident that his time in the shed would be productive. However, it has since rained with some force.

below are the instructions accompanying the piece in Swedish and English:



- Bygga ett skjul med material funna på platsen. - Leva i skjulet under minst 72 timmar utan avbrott. - Det enda som får medföras är penna och skrivblock. - Mat, vatten och sovsäck är tillåtet. - När du väl är i skjulet får människor ge dig saker, prata med dig etc., men du är helt beroende av dem. - När projektet avslutas, kommer skjulet och dess innehåll att brännas och askan bevaras.

Shed Project


- Build shed using only materials to hand at that time. - Live in shed for an amount of time, no less than 72 hours without leaving. - You are only allowed a pen and pad as stimulus. - Food, water and bedding are allowed. - Once in the shed, passers by may talk to you, give you things etc. However you are completely reliant on them for stimulus. - Once project is finished, the shed will be burnt, and the ashes will be kept.