D.A.F.T. Related events & participants: THE (deviant) ART FESTIVAL in Trollhättan

Fred Lindberg started THE (deviant) ART FESTIVAL as a society and network of contemporary artists in London 2005. The thought behind these art events was to put people and ideas together rather than single pieces of art. To create a foundation for collaborations. In 1937 Hitler exhibited “Entartete Kunst”, 1962 came Fluxus events like “The Festival of Misfits” and today our Art is striving to exist in-between being singled out as a degenerate, or choosing to be a misfit.

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Location: London, Hackney

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Get your proposals ready!!!!

LAST CALL for artists to submit work for a ten day art festival in Sweden. Apart from the set exhibition there will be special event days/evenings with film, poetry and performance etc.

So be sure to include everything you would like to contribute to the show in your proposal.

Open to all mediums.

DEADLINE: l7th May

Exhibition date: l4-23 July.

(Private party for exhibitors and staff on the 13th)

Contact: Nausea.sartre@hotmail.com

Main Entry: deviant

Definition: abnormal

Synonyms: aberrant, anomalous, atypical, bent, delirious, deviate, deviative, devious, different, divergent, freaky, heretical, heteroclite, irregular, kinky, off-key, perverse, perverted, preternatural, queer, twisted, unrepresentative, untypical, wandering, wayward

Antonyms: natural, normal, regular, representative, standard, typical, usual